Wednesday 23 July 2014

Hullo, this is Julia. Welcome to my Blogspot - healing your emotions through the power of soul.
Sorry I havent posted for quite a while. Life has been rather hectic and an emotional roller coaster ride
at the same time.

I came to a very big realisation just the other day after going through intense emotional turmoil for about a week.

I had been with my beloved Master for about two weeks -Master Zhi Gang Sha - in Australia during his visit to Sydney and Melbourne.  It was a very special time.

Afterwards I started analysing and thinking a lot about various personalities, my various roles I had during that time and because I had been so busy I had bottled a lot of feelings up.

When they came out it wasnt very pleasant, and no matter what I did I couldnt get away from the thoughts that were arising. Then if I talked about it with a close family member it just made me more agitated.

So now I am writing about it and feeling in a very calm peaceful space.  How did I get to that space?

Well, this is the big realisation.
Yesterday I was on Master Sha's Chanting Channel ( - a free 24/7 channel) and it happened that for two hours I was chanting along with Master Francisco and Master David.  What was I chanting?

Here it is, here is the one sentence secret:

What you chant you become.
What were we chanting?


And then in the evening I was on a call with Master Robyn from Sydney - and we were focussing on opening the heart.

Step by step during that day I came to realise that FORGIVENESS is the key to all pain we experience, through our own behaviours, our own speech, our own thoughts, and others behaviours and speech.

For many years I tried to figure out how to forgive the big and deep hurts we all experience at some point in our lives.  I couldnt figure it out.

I thought I got it, some time ago, but I didnt really really get it!!  Yesterday I really really got it!!!!

Master Sha teaches that forgiveness brings inner peace and inner joy! Wow how amazing is that!!???

And I discovered its true!!! BUT - ha you say, what's the catch?? Well there's no catch, you just have to do enough of it and with SINCERITY (another important point I learnt last night from Master Robyn).

Here is a simple practice you can do, try it, do it a lot - I mean hours would really help, or one hour per day. or just build up to that. It's taken me a while to fully (probably not fully yet!!) comprehend the power of this amazing practice.
We will use the Four Power Techniques:

Body Power: sit up straight with your tongue gently touching the roof of your mouth. Put one hand over your heart and the other over your lower abdomen.
Sound Power: forgiveness forgiveness forgiveness
I forgive you, you forgive me,
Bring Love Peace and Harmony
Bring Love Peace and Harmony

or listen to the Love Peace Harmony CD and chant:
I love my heart and soul
I love all humanity
Join hearts and souls together
Bring love peace harmony
Bring love peace harmony.

Mind Power:
Imagine golden light flowing through you and into everyone you need to forgive or give forgiveness to.

Soul Power - the most important power of all:
Dear all souls I and my ancestors have ever hurt or harmed in this and every lifetime
Please forgive us for our mistakes, for the hurt we have caused you.
In order to be forgiven I will serve I will chant I will meditate.

And Dear All souls who have hurt or harmed me and my ancestors,
I forgive you unconditionally, you owe me nothing.

Let us join hearts and souls together to bring a Love Peace Harmony Universal Family.
Thank you thank you thank you.

Now just chant with your greatest Sincerity.

This practice could change  your life, it could change the lives of all humanity and all souls.

I wish you success with overcoming all the pain, the hurt and more through this incredibly powerful forgiveness practice.

Love you love you love you
I forgive you, You forgive me
Bring Love Peace and Harmony
Bring Love Peace and Harmony,

Until next time,