Wednesday, 20 May 2015

In my previous post I didnt get an answer about how the people on the street felt when we sent our love.
Let's find out now from Quan Yin, Buddha of compassion:

Dear Beloved Ones,
This is Quan Yin,
I am happy to speak with you today about Love
What is Love - can we see it? can we feel it? Yes we can feel it.
Can we touch it? No
The beloved ones on the streets felt your love, just a little.
They would need you to practice sending them love much more to feel it more.
They are so sad, so alone, it is hard for them to believe anyone loves them.
Keep sending your love - Love is a Mystery.
Love is the answer
Give love and you will be blessed.
I love you.
I bless you.
Thank you for this opportunity to speak to you all.

Thank you beloved Quan Yin. We are so blessed to have you speak with us.

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