Friday, 30 May 2014

A simple way to balance emotions.

Hi there, this is Julia again. How are you all?

I have been struggling with emotions lately and not able to write anything. I couldn't think of anything useful to write.
You see, I am just a human being with emotions just like you! (yes this is a real person here) And sometimes these emotions overwhelm me.  I have found that the best thing I can do is to sit in my meditation room and chant.  Close my eyes, and ask for help from the soul world. To love and to forgive.
|Its really that simple.  Sometimes it takes me a while, I think I have forgiven, and then I see that I am still angry. So then I need to sit quietly again and chant some more.
What to chant?
I love to chant: Divine Love,or Da Ai which means Greatest or Big Love in Chinese.
Or it could be just Love, or Forgiveness.

One thing I am really excited about that I would like to share with you  is that my beautiful, amazing spiritual Master - Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha will be coming to Melbourne, Australia from July 10-14th.  So if you're interested leave a comment and otherwise go to for more information about how you can experience and learn from such a great Master about secrets of the Universe, how to heal, what is the Tao and so much more.

So keep trying these practices I have shared with you, and come along and experience something truly profound in July.

I will be away from my computer for the next two weeks - so I will talk to you again soon. With much love and light to you all.
Yours truly,

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Hullo again, this is Julia. Today I would like to write about TIREDNESS.

What has this got to do with emotions you ask?  Well in my experience, when I get tired, I get grumpy - that's another name for angry! I also get down - that's another name for depressed!  There you go, there's two emotions already that can come from TIREDNESS!!!

So what to do about tiredness, apart from sleeping, resting, eating well, exercising, taking vitamins etc.?

Master Sha, my spiritual teacher, says that we can boost our energy, stamina, vitality and immunity through a very simple practice for the Lower Dan Tian.  What is the Lower Dan Tian?  It is a fist sized energy centre just below the navel just inside the body about 1-2 inches.

This energy centre can boost our energy.  To develop this centre, we can tap our lower abdomen, or place our hands over our lower abdomen. Master Sha says that "Where we place our hands is where we receive healing."

Then we imagine a golden light ball spinning in our lower abdomen.
Then we sit up straight. And then we use a mantra - Master Sha teaches,"What we chant we become".
We will chant "Jiu" pronounced "Joe" which is a chinese word for the number 9 - this has been found to reverberate in the lower abdomen.

So that's all we need to know - just chant Joe Joe Joe over and over with your hands on your lower abdomen.  Imagine the golden light ball.  You should do it silently if you are lying down. do it for at least 5 mins the longer the better and let me know how you go?  Has your energy been boosted? No? then do more!!

I am going to do that now myself.

Wishing you all the best with boosting your energy.

Love Julia

p.s if  ou would like to learn more about the amazing wisdom, knowledge and practical techniques of Master Sha check out his website

Thursday, 8 May 2014

WORRY - how to deal with it.

Hullo everyone, and welcome to my blog.

Today I would like to share with you about the emotion of worry.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine the emotion of worry is connected to the Earth element,the spleen and stomach. Many of us are very good at worrying...I think worrying is about not being able to think of anything else except the issue at hand.

Let's look at a few examples of worry:

Your teenager has gone to the city  - a nightclub - he won't be back til late.  He doesnt want you to pick him up - he's already 18 after all!!!! So you go to bed at 10 p.m. but you cant sleep, and you toss and turn and imagine all the worst things that could happen to him.

Another example:

Your grandson has pneumonia, he's only 11 months old and lives many miles away.  You imagine him lying limp in his mother's arms and all your greatest fears arise.  You keep thinking about him and can't think about anything else. You feel sick in your stomach.  You dont go out for the day because you're too worried. You keep ringing your daughter but she doesnt answer. So you think something terrible has happened.

This is worry.  How can we deal with worry so that we can get on with our lives even though there are things happening to our loved ones or ourselves?

Master Sha, my spiritual teacher has many wonderful spiritual practices in his books to help us with worry.

Here's one you may like to try:

Use the Four power techniques:
Body Power: Sit up straight, put your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Put one palms on your lower abdomen and the other on your spleen, just under the rib cage and on the left side of the front of the body.
Mind Power: Focus on the first soul house - or first chakra, at the base of the torso in the middle of the body. Imagine a golden ball rotating there.
Sound Power: Chant or repeat silently or aloud: Gong Ya You Tao ( pronounced gawng ya yoe dow)
Soul Power:
Dear Divine, Dear Tao
Dear Heaven, Mother Earth and countless planets, stars, galaxies and universes,
Dear all my spiritual fathers and mothers in all layers of Heaven and on Mother Earth,
Dear Tao Song
I love you honour you and appreciate you.
When I sing the Tao song mantra for the Earth element, please clear soul mind body blockages from my Earth element and heal my emotion of worry.
I am very grateful.
Thank you thank you thank you.

Chant for 3-5 mins - or much longer - the longer the better.

Notice how you feel now!

This is a wonderful way to heal worry and leave you feeling relaxed and accepting of what is for the moment. If worry arises again, do the practice again.  Of course sometimes we can take action as well, for example, we may insist on picking our son up around the corner from the nightclub, or fly to be with our daughter and grandson to help them.

As Master Sha says: "If you want to know if the pear is sweet, taste it."
If you want to know if this works, try it!

Love you and wishing you all the best in your journey to healing your emotions.
Love Julia