Friday 30 May 2014

A simple way to balance emotions.

Hi there, this is Julia again. How are you all?

I have been struggling with emotions lately and not able to write anything. I couldn't think of anything useful to write.
You see, I am just a human being with emotions just like you! (yes this is a real person here) And sometimes these emotions overwhelm me.  I have found that the best thing I can do is to sit in my meditation room and chant.  Close my eyes, and ask for help from the soul world. To love and to forgive.
|Its really that simple.  Sometimes it takes me a while, I think I have forgiven, and then I see that I am still angry. So then I need to sit quietly again and chant some more.
What to chant?
I love to chant: Divine Love,or Da Ai which means Greatest or Big Love in Chinese.
Or it could be just Love, or Forgiveness.

One thing I am really excited about that I would like to share with you  is that my beautiful, amazing spiritual Master - Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha will be coming to Melbourne, Australia from July 10-14th.  So if you're interested leave a comment and otherwise go to for more information about how you can experience and learn from such a great Master about secrets of the Universe, how to heal, what is the Tao and so much more.

So keep trying these practices I have shared with you, and come along and experience something truly profound in July.

I will be away from my computer for the next two weeks - so I will talk to you again soon. With much love and light to you all.
Yours truly,

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