Wednesday 21 May 2014

Hullo again, this is Julia. Today I would like to write about TIREDNESS.

What has this got to do with emotions you ask?  Well in my experience, when I get tired, I get grumpy - that's another name for angry! I also get down - that's another name for depressed!  There you go, there's two emotions already that can come from TIREDNESS!!!

So what to do about tiredness, apart from sleeping, resting, eating well, exercising, taking vitamins etc.?

Master Sha, my spiritual teacher, says that we can boost our energy, stamina, vitality and immunity through a very simple practice for the Lower Dan Tian.  What is the Lower Dan Tian?  It is a fist sized energy centre just below the navel just inside the body about 1-2 inches.

This energy centre can boost our energy.  To develop this centre, we can tap our lower abdomen, or place our hands over our lower abdomen. Master Sha says that "Where we place our hands is where we receive healing."

Then we imagine a golden light ball spinning in our lower abdomen.
Then we sit up straight. And then we use a mantra - Master Sha teaches,"What we chant we become".
We will chant "Jiu" pronounced "Joe" which is a chinese word for the number 9 - this has been found to reverberate in the lower abdomen.

So that's all we need to know - just chant Joe Joe Joe over and over with your hands on your lower abdomen.  Imagine the golden light ball.  You should do it silently if you are lying down. do it for at least 5 mins the longer the better and let me know how you go?  Has your energy been boosted? No? then do more!!

I am going to do that now myself.

Wishing you all the best with boosting your energy.

Love Julia

p.s if  ou would like to learn more about the amazing wisdom, knowledge and practical techniques of Master Sha check out his website

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Julia... I will do this practice today, definitely in need of an energy boost! Love you, Maddy xx
