Join me for my last 10 days of my 30 day Divine Joy challenge. Day 20.
I have learnt so much in the last 20 days as I have been guided by Heaven, read, done amazing spiritual practices, been in nature and received messages.
Here are a few points for you, (i will write more each day for the next 10 days to inspire you and me):
I went for a walk in the forest... and what do we have in forests?? BIG TREES!!!
So I always want to hug the biggest! and put my back against them. Well thats what I did this last week. And wow! What an amazing energy and light went through my whole body up to the sky!
I asked the beloved tree's soul for a message:
The tree said (and I paraphrase as I didnt have a notebook with me):
Dear one, I put my roots down deep into Mother Earth and then the energy and light comes up through my trunk to my branches high in the sky! This is what you need to do. Ground yourself deep into Mother Earth and you will be ready to serve others.
This really touched my heart and soul. Try it: Imagine your feet growing roots deep into Mother Earth, breathe in her love and light, ask her Dear Mother Earth Please bless me, thank you. Breathe. Feel the light pouring up now through your body right up to the crown of your head. Then bring your awareness down to your lower abdomen and breathe.
The longer you do this, the more you will feel. Try going out into Nature and connecting with your feet, your soul , your heart. Practice everyday and you will start to feel JOY.
My greatest love to you all.
More stories to come. Sorry this is not the forest i was in!
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