Friday 21 March 2014

Hullo everyone, I just couldnt wait to share again so Im sharing again just minutes after my first blog post!!
I cant leave you all hanging wondering about these things called emotions!!

I would like to share with you a simple practice that can transform your depression and anxiety really fast!
Here's what to do:
Use Master Sha's Four Power Techniques to get the maximum benefit from doing this.

Body Power: sit up straight or lie down (if you lie down then chant silently).
Put one hand over your heart and one on your lower abdomen.

Mind Power: Imagine beautiful golden light flowing into your heart.

Sound Power: We will chant or repeat over and over:
Love Love Love
Love Love Love
Love heals my depression and anxiety
Love heals my depression and anxiety.

Chant for 3-5 mins, 3-5 times a day and gradually increase how long you do it for to bring amazing results.

Soul Power: This is to say hello to your soul and  the Soul World - You can call on any great saint, or the Divine, Buddha and so on.
Follow along with me:
Dear Divine, Dear Buddha, Dear....... Dear......(call your favourite holy being or just Divine or God)
I love you
Dear my heart I love you
Please heal my depression and/or anxiety
I am so grateful.
Thank you.

Then Chant: Love Love Love as above, you can make up your own mantra as long as it is positive and respectful or yourself and the soul world and others.

I will do this practice now myself and in my next post I will let you know how I went with it.
I know many people get stressed and anxious and depressed. I can get very anxious so let's see how we go. Please share your experiences here so others can benefit.
Much love to you all,
ps if you would like to know more about Master Sha go to and you will learn much more. Or you can purchase any of his books on

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