Friday 21 March 2014

The Journey of Healing the Emotions

Hullo, this is my first blog post ever! I am very happy to share with you week by week my experiences in healing my emotions through using the powerful, simple and profound teachings and practices of my spiritual teacher, Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha.
I look forward to sharing with you how to heal the emotions.
Humans are emotional beings. This a part of who we are, whether we know it or not!
My son said to me "Mum, people don't know what emotions are!!"
I hope this blog will help people to understand what they are and how to heal the negative ones.

I was going to share quite a lot with you but I just erased it all, so obviously I wasnt meant to do that.
Instead I will take a little time to think more about how i will share with you about emotions and my own experiences.
I look forward to talking with you again very soon.
with much love and light to anyone who happens upon my blog,
Love Julia


  1. Hi Julia, congratulations for your blog! I cant wait to read your posts. We can all benefit in transforming different emotions at different times. I look forward to your future sharing. Love you x

  2. Thank you Lillian, Im very excited and cant wait to post again very soon! love Julia

  3. Well done Julia and Congratulations for this inaugural post on your new blog.
    Love Jan Bonnefin
