Sunday 6 April 2014

Hullo everyone this is Julia again!

Today I dont feel so happy all of a sudden! Why? Thoughts, selfish thoughts actually.
This started to lead me to feel a little depressed, wanting excitement and more.

What to do about this? Allow the depression and thoughts to escalate just leads to suffering more.
So I tuned in to Master Sha's beautiful Chanting Channel available 24/7 free!!!

And just at that moment Master Sha was chanting Shining Soul Light - i joined in and now 20 mins later I feel much better.  Im very grateful for this channel and hope you have a look for yourself - you can ask for a blessing - that's what I did - I asked for healing for depression and negative mindsets.

Just go to and see for yourself.

Im so grateful for this channel and the healing it can bring very rapidly if we open our hearts and believe.

Lots of love to you all,
Julia, smiling again. xxxxx

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