Friday 4 April 2014

Hullo everyone,
How are you? Im very happy at present. That's a nice place to be isn't it? How do we get to that nice place and how do we stay there?
Well actually we can't stay there!
We all want to stay there, but we are here on Mother Earth to learn lessons and that can be very painful at times. This pain that we feel connects to our emotions.

When I was 12 years old I cried one night in my bedroom because I had been praying to God and asking Him why he never responded to me? Why did he never talk back to people? I was brought up as a Christian and nobody in our circles expected God to reply except perhaps if we opened our Bible and found the answer there. But I felt so sad at that time.

This sadness continued and not until I met Master Sha did I learn how to communicate with the Divine in a way that he was able to reply to me.  I have received many special blessings from Master Sha and the Divine in order to open my Spiritual Channels.  Master Sha teaches that there are four spiritual channels:
1. Soul Language and Soul Song Channel
2. Direct Soul Communication Channel
3. Third Eye Channel
4. Direct Knowing Channel

I am so grateful to Master Sha for the blessings. If you go to any one of his books you will find the technique for bringing out your Soul Language.  Once you do that you can then learn to translate your Soul Language into your own native language. In this way you can start talking to your own soul or any soul in the Universe including the Divine!

Wow! that's all I can say.

Please get a copy of one of Master Sha's books e.g. Soul Wisdom, Soul Communication, Tao Song and Tao Dance and more to find this technique.

When I first found a book of Master Sha's I started practicing and my Soul Language came out. However I wasnt sure that it was my soul language so I went to a workshop with Master Trevor Allen in Melbourne, Australia and practiced with others.  When my soul language came out I just cried - I was so happy!
When i began to translate it was so wonderful.

If you have a good heart and you love the Divine or would like to then it will be possible for you to do the same.  You will be able to communicate with the Divine, or the Buddha, or Jesus or Mary or Quan Yin or any other high level spiritual being.

My sadness regarding this lack of communication has turned to Gratitude,awe and appreciation and reverence for this amazing gift we are being given by the Divine at this time on Mother Earth.

Love you all,

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