Thursday 10 April 2014

Relationships and depression

Good morning everyone! Welcome to my blogspot!

This morning I would like to think about emotions - given that is what my blogspot is all about that's a good start.

When we are in the middle of negative emotions like depression - everything seems very bad indeed.
When we are not in the middle of negative emotions like depression - everything doesnt seem so bad.


When we are depressed - and Im not talking about Clinical Depression which is an entirely different thing and I will not be addressing here as I am not a Psychologist or Psychiatrist.

When we are depressed it is - for me - because of something that has happened. Usually someone has said some stuff to me that has "hurt my feelings". Sometimes I am not fully aware, in the moment of their speaking, of how I am feeling.  Then the next minute I am feeling depressed. Why?

Because my mind has taken hold of the things said, or the way it is said, and given it all a label. For example:

"He/she is so unkind", He/she is so unfair, He/she has it all wrong" and so on. Then that can escalate into:
He/she doesnt really love me or he/she would never say such a thing, act in such a way.
How can I live with such a person. How can I put up with this kind of talk, behaviour etc.??

Then if we have made a committment to that person we just can't walk away!  So then the mind gets stuck and feels there is no solution, then the depression sets in.  That's for me anyway, how about you?

Then the next day we get up and the person is normal again, kind again, thoughtful and loving again!! Then we feel so strange - what is going on here??

Well I used to have a teacher who talked about "When your demons attack!!!"  So when your demons attack - this part of you takes over and makes you a crazy person an unkind person, an obsessional person or whatever is your particular demon (we can have more than one kind of course).

What I think personally I need to do is when the person close to me has a "demon attack" I need to recognise it as such and start to send them LOVE and start to send ME LOVE. Then when and if my mind starts to take over and reflect on how awful this all is, I might start chanting I love You .

Well anyway, Im just ruminating here and will think about this more, will you think about this? - let me know what you think!! ???

In summary:

1. Label the other person's outburst: A Demon Attack
2. Give LOVE to yourself and the other
3. Chant I love you
 This way you are being pro active and you dont have to feel like a victim in all this - which is what can make us feel depressed I believe.

There is a way to deal with our relationships, our depression, our unbalanced emotions.
In fact there are many ways. This is just one. But a very powerful one because

"Love melts all blockages and transforms all life" Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha

I will write about other ways in further blogs.

I will also let you know if next time this happens for me I am able to do the above and not just write about it.
With love and blessings,

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