Monday 28 April 2014

Hullo everyone, this is Julia again.  How are you?

Do you every wonder why you aren't happy?? 

Do you search everywhere for happiness?  Like overseas holidays, gourmet or junk food, alcohol, drugs, partying, shopping,personal growth workshops,  gambling??

If we look at all those things, they are all outside us.   What is it that drives us to do the things we do looking for happiness?

I believe it is the mind.  Our minds are very powerful.  Some think too powerful.
We believe our minds, we listen to our minds, we think that what our minds tell us has to be the truth. But is it always the truth???

NO! Our minds are only as old as our bodies - e.g. 20 or 30 or 60 etc. So that's how much experience our minds have had. 

When our minds tell us "My hair looks horrible today" or " I look ugly today" or "I'm not much of a person because I don't have lots of money",  how do we now this is the truth???

We dont. But we don't usually question our minds, we say, okay that's what my mind said so it must be the truth!  Then if we believe a statement like "I look ugly today" we start to feel sad, or depressed, or if we're a model we might feel fear that we could lose our job!

So this is where it can be so valuable to ask ourselves the question:

Is this true? Is this absolutely true? How do I know it's true?

There is a great teacher called Byron Katie who has written several books about this if you're interested.

We can also make a conscious decision if we hear the voice in our heads saying something negative about who we are, or how we look, we can simply say:

Dear my mind,
Thank you for your input, however, this is not helpful for me today.
Now I will think something positive
I Love my hair, I love my body just the way it is.
Thank you mind.

Then we could take it one step further and repeat over and over,
I love my hair, I love my body.
This is Mind Power, the power of the mind.

This requires discipline, but it can be done, bit by bit until we stop saying negative things about ourselves and also other people.  

I will talk further about this and how we can use Soul Power which is even more powerful than mind power to heal ourselves.

In love and light,


  1. Thank you Julia, the conscious mind can go quite crazy at times if we don't learn to control our thoughts...TY for the practices.

  2. some people have said they cant post comments here but you have Jenni. Any tips for people as to how to do post? love julia

  3. Hi Julia, great first blog. Mind Power is very, very powerful. One way I was taught to quiet my mind since the early 1990's was to watch thoughts moving in and out of my mind - like watching clouds and seeing the shapes when I was a kid - the more you 'watch' thoughts without engaging them, the more quickly they leave the mind. Pretty soon they slow down and finally stop. If they start up again, start to observe just noting, one thought about finances, bills to pay; stop; observe the next thought - maybe what i need to shop for next, etc. By doing this you take control over your thinking. It does't engage the mind in hinking but watching the mind thinking. Who is doing the watching - interesting, eh? That's the soul! Looking forward to reading about Soul Power. <3 I believe you need to 'sign in' to be able to post. I'm signed into Google and posting here.

  4. Dear Julia, thank you. Our minds are so beautiful but can at times be so tricky. This reminded me of a great picture and quote I saw recently which said 'don't believe everything you think', which is especially true when we have testing times. Love you, love your examples here
