Thursday, 6 July 2017

Welcome again to my blog... living a soul ful life.....
Yesterday I just couldnt get into living a soulful life.... i was up in my head, thinking thinking...

Do you ever experience that? Do you ever find yourself off with the fairies thinking about nothing - not know what you need to be doing - drifting along? Or maybe you experience thinking thinking as in trying to figure out what to do? What to do today? What to do with your life? Shall I learn this, shall i do that, shall i leave school, shall i get a different job?

Our minds can be very busy. And in these times they are more active than ever before..Imagine you were working in the fields, planting rice... would you be thinking thinking? I dont think so.... You know what you have to do and you just do it. You might briefly think about the weather or how much rice you might yield from your crops... this doesnt take hours to think about!!!

So what to do with this busy mind? Well we can practice Mindfulness which is very popular at this time and that's great if it works for you.

for me I need something more powerful actually. What is that?

Soulfulness.... this is making a connection with the soul of our mind, asking it to rest, like in meditation when the instructor says, take your mind to the Bahamas and rest on the beach.(I will speak more about soulfulness as we continue on in future)  Well how to do that all the time??

Well it takes practice! but here is a little practice to help us:

To start with we can practice a meditation:

Sit up straight with your feet on the floor to connect to Mother Earth.

Take a deep breath into the lower abdomen - an area of the body with powerful energy centres to boost our energy. When we connect here our mind calms,, our emotions become balanced.

Keep the mind in the lower abdomen. Say to your mind: Dear my beloved mind, I love you honour you and appreciate you. You are doing a great job at thinking. Im so grateful. Could you please have a rest now and sit in my lower abdomen. Thank you.

Now we will sing or say these words: Zhong Zhong Zhong (this is the sacred space in our lower abdomen... 

Put your hands on your lower abdomen palms facing inwards. 

This is an amazing practice, practice as long as you can and keep bringing your mind back to your lower abdomen.

Do at least 5 m ins to experience the peace, the calming of emotions, the centredness.

Let me know how you go. I will do this practice too and report back to you how it helps me.

Enjoy your day. Love you. Julia

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