Monday 24 March 2014

Negative Emotions often arise when we are tired.

Have you ever looked forward to time for yourself, all alone at last, feet up, heater on, a cup of tea waiting?
Oh Yippee! Great ! Wonderful! and then Boom!
Yes, instead of it being wonderful you feel kind of flat, even depressed?

Well that's what often happens to me, its not a new feeling.  After being on the go, lots of things happening, people all around, suddenly to be all alone isnt so great after all!!

Today I sat on the couch, cheese and biscuits, cup of tea and Boom, i felt a bit flat. In the past this would have developed further, I might have turned the TV on or had a sleep. But when I stopped watching TV or sleeping, it was still there, that feeling of loneliness.

Today I did something different.  Since I have been studying with Master Sha I have discovered many practices that help me to deal with feelings of loneliness, sadness, depression and so on.

If you have Master Sha's new book Soul Healing Miracles there's a wonderful practice on page 157 for healing the emotions - any emotion!! Yes, any!!

If you dont have the book you can order it on

I followed the practice and chanted :Hei Heng Hong Ha - with my hand on my heart. I did this for about 3 mins. Gradually I started to relax and think of things I wanted to do that were constructive. I didnt sleep. I didnt watch TV. I started to do some study. I felt better. The emotion didnt run away with me into something bigger.

Master Sha teaches the Four Power Techniques - if you always use this format you can design your own practice.
Here's how you do it:
Body Power - sit up straight, put your hands where you need healing.
Sound Power - chant something positive e.g. Golden light heals my depression. Love heals.
Mind Power  - visualise or imagine or think golden light in your body, healing the emotion.
Soul Power - say hello: Dear my heart (for example - for depression) I love you. You have the power to heal yourself, do a good job. Thank you.
Chant for 3-5 mins or longer 3-5 times per day. The longer the better.
Notice how you feel afterwards.
You could be amazed. You could experience your own Soul Healing Miracle.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine certain organs are connected to certain emotions:
Liver - anger
Heart - depression and anxiety
Lungs - sadness and grief
Spleen - worry
Kidneys - fear
So concentrate on the organ that you think fits for your emotion - imagine it healing itself.
Master Sha says: I have the power to heal myself, You have the power to heal yourself,
Together we have the power to heal the world.
More next time. Love Julia


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for your reflections on negative emotions as I had depression for many years, possibly twenty plus years, but I didn't even realise it as the negative thoughts and feelings were everyday and had became quite normal. I blamed everyone for my misery and I was filled with much anger for my life.

    Eventually, I began asking God "Is this all there is to life? Surely there has to be something more!" and suddenly the answers began to appear. I started reading lots of spiritual books, watched inspiring movies and joined spiritual groups until I finally discovered Master Sha on a trip to Hawaii to swim with the Spinner Dolphins there.

    The lady who organised the Dolphin Tour gave me two of Master Sha's books to read and I flew back to Hawaii later that year to attend his Retreat in Kona. I then joined Master Sha's daily Skype group to chant and follow the practices and in no time at all my depression disappeared, in fact it felt like it disappeared overnight, as I had found the answers to why I had chosen to be here on Mother Earth and why I was experiencing my particular lessons. Just as you write above "We have the power to heal ourselves" and with Master Sha's teachings I began to heal. Your blog has reminded me to say thank you thank you thank you Master Sha and all the Higher Beings and thank you Julia...xx

  3. Dear Jenni,
    Thank you so much for your heart touching response. Its a beautiful testimony to the power of Master Sha's practices and how we can self heal from negative emotions that can affect our lives so deeply. It is also good I think that we talk about them more as a community. There is still so much stigma about depression, anxiety etc. love you and thank you from the bottom of my heart. julia
