Thursday, 4 December 2014

Mother Mary comes to me speaking words of wisdom.

Dear Reader,
This is Julia again. I havent posted for a while but hope you will forgive me as I need to forgive myself. Once I get on here I actually enjoy writing to you but its hard to get myself on in the first place!!
What shall we talk about today? I will ask for Soul Guidance as to the answer to that!!
Just a minute!.....
Mother Mary wishes to speak to us again, I am so honoured that she would like to communicate with us. Let's hear what she has to say to us.
Dearest beloved friends,
It is my honour to serve you.
I love you with all my heart and I love to serve you - how can I serve you if you dont ask me to??? Well quite simply I can't! Humanity has choice, free will etc. but should you choose to ask for guidance from me, or help in a difficult situation I will come readily to your assistance and help you as much as I can within the Laws of the Universe. Perhaps I can teach you how to connect with me in the best way so that you can receive benefit.
Please always show respect when calling on us in the soul world. Show appreciation and if we give you guidance and you can hear or see it please follow it. Quite simple really. Its just like going to a professional in your area of work and asking for guidance, you may pay them quite a lot of money for their guidance.  Will you then ignore this guidance?? I dont think so.
Please pray to me in this way:

Dear Mother Mary
I love You
I honour you and deeply appreciate you
I know that you love me,
Please help me to feel your love.

Sit quietly for a few minutes and allow yourself to feel my love.

You can ask the Divine for forgiveness for all your mistakes, all the times when you werent in love and light. Again, say:

Dear Divine,
I love you honour you and appreciate you.
I know you love me
Please help me with.......
Im so grateful. Thank you.

Its good to not just rush off at this point and think about something else, but to repeat either silently or aloud for a while

I love you I love you I love you
Thank you thank you thank you
Or a mantra of your choice of love and light.

Thank you dear ones for your time, please connect with me and I will be there.
You are loved and blessed.
Mother Mary.

Thank you everyone. We are so blessed to have Mother Mary coming to share with us on my blog. Thank you - I love you. Julia

Monday, 6 October 2014

Flow from Mother Mary regarding emotions

Dear friends,
Its been a while since i wrote on my blog. Why is this you may ask? Well, i guess Ive been too emotional and couldnt think what to write. Maybe this could be called Writers block!! Well I dont want to give it a name, I just want to write something that could be helpful for you at this time.
Emotions can hold us back on a daily basis. They can prevent us from doing things, from connecting with others, and much more.

I would like to ask Mother Mary to speak to us about emotions.
This is what she has to say:

This is Mother Mary.
I love you all. I have spent many lifetimes on Mother Earth and understand the pain of negative emotions.  We all have experienced emotions getting in the way of our soul's journey. In fact it is the biggest cause of people losing their way. Of course, the mind is also connected to this.

However, there are also the flip side to negative emotions and this is what we will focus on today.
Here is a practice to transform depression and anxiety to joy.
We will use Master Sha's Four Power Techniques:

Body Power: Sit up straight with your back away from the chair if this is comfortable for you.
Put one hand over your heart and the other on your lower abdomen.

Mind Power: Visualise golden light shining in your Heart Chakra or Message Centre as Master Sha calls it.

Sound Power: We will chant: God's love, God's Light.

Soul Power:
Dear soul mind body of my heart,
I love you
Dear Divine,
I love you, honour you and appreciate you.
Please bless my heart chakra and open my heart to joy.
Im so grateful, thank you.

Let's chant now:

God's light God's light God's light God's light
God's love God's love God's love God's love

Please continue to chant for as long as you can to transform how you feel right now to JOY.

Thank you.
I love you and bless you all.

Hao. (Hao means wonderful, perfect in Chinese)

Have a beautiful day and thank you for reading my blog, thank you Mother Mary for your love and guidance today.


Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Thoughts and emotions and purifying them.

hullo and welcome to my blog

You may wonder why we need to purify our thoughts and emotions?

There are a few things to consider here. Firstly Karma.
What is Karma - it is the record of our services. The good things we have done and the not so good, the negative. This includes our thoughts and emotions!  Lots of people dont want to hear this, but there you are! Why dont they want to hear? Because then they would have to make changes to their lives and we tend to not want to do that, it's all a bit hard!! Right?

Well actually its hard not to change, its so painful to stay in negative thinking and emotions.

Most thoughts are repetitive and have been thought over and over, e.g. in a relationship our partner may have certain habits and every time they don't put their socks in the clothes basket the thought arises "Why cant they put their socks in the clothes basket?" blah blah blah! right? You know how it is if you have ever had a relationship. Even with a flat mate it can be the same thing. And what happens then?  We have a negative emotion like anger, or irritability arising. Then we might feel sad that they wont change, that they dont love us etc.

Why do we want to purify our thoughts and emotions? Well there are a few reasons, one is that it will make us happier, the other is that it will not create new bad karma, another is that it will help us to connect more with the Divine and help us to get closer to the purity of the Divine. This will bring us great Joy in our lives like nothing else we have ever experienced.

How do we purify our thoughts and emotions? The first thing to do is to become aware of them. This is a process and the more we try to be aware the more aware we will become.

The first step is to have the desire to purify our thoughts and emotions. Then we can do this practice:
We will use the Four Power Techniques

Body Power: Sit up straight, with your back away from the chair, and your hands in prayer position.
Mind Power: Focus on your lower abdomen and imagine golden light shining there
Soul Power: Dear Divine, Dear Tao, Dear all my spiritual fathers and mothers in all layers of Heaven and on Mother Earth,
I love you, honour you and appreciate you.
Please forgive me for all the wrong thoughts and emotions I have had in this life and past lives
Please help me to become aware of my negative thoughts in the moment and change them to positive.
Please help me to understand the significance of doing this.
Please bless my soul journey,
Im so grateful, thank you.

Sound Power: Chant - over and over: Love Love LoveLove Love Love
Light Light Light Light Light Light
Forgiveness forgiveness forgiveness forgiveness forgiveness
Compassion compassion compassion compassion.

Chant for 5-7 mins per time 3-5 times per day, and increase this if you wish, you can never chant too much! Also in the moment when someone upsets you and the negativity starts, start chanting Love Love Love Forgiveness Forgiveness etc. This really works amazingly and ask the Divine for forgiveness straight away.

I hope you have enjoyed this post.
Much love to you all

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Hullo, this is Julia. Welcome to my Blogspot - healing your emotions through the power of soul.
Sorry I havent posted for quite a while. Life has been rather hectic and an emotional roller coaster ride
at the same time.

I came to a very big realisation just the other day after going through intense emotional turmoil for about a week.

I had been with my beloved Master for about two weeks -Master Zhi Gang Sha - in Australia during his visit to Sydney and Melbourne.  It was a very special time.

Afterwards I started analysing and thinking a lot about various personalities, my various roles I had during that time and because I had been so busy I had bottled a lot of feelings up.

When they came out it wasnt very pleasant, and no matter what I did I couldnt get away from the thoughts that were arising. Then if I talked about it with a close family member it just made me more agitated.

So now I am writing about it and feeling in a very calm peaceful space.  How did I get to that space?

Well, this is the big realisation.
Yesterday I was on Master Sha's Chanting Channel ( - a free 24/7 channel) and it happened that for two hours I was chanting along with Master Francisco and Master David.  What was I chanting?

Here it is, here is the one sentence secret:

What you chant you become.
What were we chanting?


And then in the evening I was on a call with Master Robyn from Sydney - and we were focussing on opening the heart.

Step by step during that day I came to realise that FORGIVENESS is the key to all pain we experience, through our own behaviours, our own speech, our own thoughts, and others behaviours and speech.

For many years I tried to figure out how to forgive the big and deep hurts we all experience at some point in our lives.  I couldnt figure it out.

I thought I got it, some time ago, but I didnt really really get it!!  Yesterday I really really got it!!!!

Master Sha teaches that forgiveness brings inner peace and inner joy! Wow how amazing is that!!???

And I discovered its true!!! BUT - ha you say, what's the catch?? Well there's no catch, you just have to do enough of it and with SINCERITY (another important point I learnt last night from Master Robyn).

Here is a simple practice you can do, try it, do it a lot - I mean hours would really help, or one hour per day. or just build up to that. It's taken me a while to fully (probably not fully yet!!) comprehend the power of this amazing practice.
We will use the Four Power Techniques:

Body Power: sit up straight with your tongue gently touching the roof of your mouth. Put one hand over your heart and the other over your lower abdomen.
Sound Power: forgiveness forgiveness forgiveness
I forgive you, you forgive me,
Bring Love Peace and Harmony
Bring Love Peace and Harmony

or listen to the Love Peace Harmony CD and chant:
I love my heart and soul
I love all humanity
Join hearts and souls together
Bring love peace harmony
Bring love peace harmony.

Mind Power:
Imagine golden light flowing through you and into everyone you need to forgive or give forgiveness to.

Soul Power - the most important power of all:
Dear all souls I and my ancestors have ever hurt or harmed in this and every lifetime
Please forgive us for our mistakes, for the hurt we have caused you.
In order to be forgiven I will serve I will chant I will meditate.

And Dear All souls who have hurt or harmed me and my ancestors,
I forgive you unconditionally, you owe me nothing.

Let us join hearts and souls together to bring a Love Peace Harmony Universal Family.
Thank you thank you thank you.

Now just chant with your greatest Sincerity.

This practice could change  your life, it could change the lives of all humanity and all souls.

I wish you success with overcoming all the pain, the hurt and more through this incredibly powerful forgiveness practice.

Love you love you love you
I forgive you, You forgive me
Bring Love Peace and Harmony
Bring Love Peace and Harmony,

Until next time,

Friday, 30 May 2014

A simple way to balance emotions.

Hi there, this is Julia again. How are you all?

I have been struggling with emotions lately and not able to write anything. I couldn't think of anything useful to write.
You see, I am just a human being with emotions just like you! (yes this is a real person here) And sometimes these emotions overwhelm me.  I have found that the best thing I can do is to sit in my meditation room and chant.  Close my eyes, and ask for help from the soul world. To love and to forgive.
|Its really that simple.  Sometimes it takes me a while, I think I have forgiven, and then I see that I am still angry. So then I need to sit quietly again and chant some more.
What to chant?
I love to chant: Divine Love,or Da Ai which means Greatest or Big Love in Chinese.
Or it could be just Love, or Forgiveness.

One thing I am really excited about that I would like to share with you  is that my beautiful, amazing spiritual Master - Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha will be coming to Melbourne, Australia from July 10-14th.  So if you're interested leave a comment and otherwise go to for more information about how you can experience and learn from such a great Master about secrets of the Universe, how to heal, what is the Tao and so much more.

So keep trying these practices I have shared with you, and come along and experience something truly profound in July.

I will be away from my computer for the next two weeks - so I will talk to you again soon. With much love and light to you all.
Yours truly,

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Hullo again, this is Julia. Today I would like to write about TIREDNESS.

What has this got to do with emotions you ask?  Well in my experience, when I get tired, I get grumpy - that's another name for angry! I also get down - that's another name for depressed!  There you go, there's two emotions already that can come from TIREDNESS!!!

So what to do about tiredness, apart from sleeping, resting, eating well, exercising, taking vitamins etc.?

Master Sha, my spiritual teacher, says that we can boost our energy, stamina, vitality and immunity through a very simple practice for the Lower Dan Tian.  What is the Lower Dan Tian?  It is a fist sized energy centre just below the navel just inside the body about 1-2 inches.

This energy centre can boost our energy.  To develop this centre, we can tap our lower abdomen, or place our hands over our lower abdomen. Master Sha says that "Where we place our hands is where we receive healing."

Then we imagine a golden light ball spinning in our lower abdomen.
Then we sit up straight. And then we use a mantra - Master Sha teaches,"What we chant we become".
We will chant "Jiu" pronounced "Joe" which is a chinese word for the number 9 - this has been found to reverberate in the lower abdomen.

So that's all we need to know - just chant Joe Joe Joe over and over with your hands on your lower abdomen.  Imagine the golden light ball.  You should do it silently if you are lying down. do it for at least 5 mins the longer the better and let me know how you go?  Has your energy been boosted? No? then do more!!

I am going to do that now myself.

Wishing you all the best with boosting your energy.

Love Julia

p.s if  ou would like to learn more about the amazing wisdom, knowledge and practical techniques of Master Sha check out his website

Thursday, 8 May 2014

WORRY - how to deal with it.

Hullo everyone, and welcome to my blog.

Today I would like to share with you about the emotion of worry.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine the emotion of worry is connected to the Earth element,the spleen and stomach. Many of us are very good at worrying...I think worrying is about not being able to think of anything else except the issue at hand.

Let's look at a few examples of worry:

Your teenager has gone to the city  - a nightclub - he won't be back til late.  He doesnt want you to pick him up - he's already 18 after all!!!! So you go to bed at 10 p.m. but you cant sleep, and you toss and turn and imagine all the worst things that could happen to him.

Another example:

Your grandson has pneumonia, he's only 11 months old and lives many miles away.  You imagine him lying limp in his mother's arms and all your greatest fears arise.  You keep thinking about him and can't think about anything else. You feel sick in your stomach.  You dont go out for the day because you're too worried. You keep ringing your daughter but she doesnt answer. So you think something terrible has happened.

This is worry.  How can we deal with worry so that we can get on with our lives even though there are things happening to our loved ones or ourselves?

Master Sha, my spiritual teacher has many wonderful spiritual practices in his books to help us with worry.

Here's one you may like to try:

Use the Four power techniques:
Body Power: Sit up straight, put your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Put one palms on your lower abdomen and the other on your spleen, just under the rib cage and on the left side of the front of the body.
Mind Power: Focus on the first soul house - or first chakra, at the base of the torso in the middle of the body. Imagine a golden ball rotating there.
Sound Power: Chant or repeat silently or aloud: Gong Ya You Tao ( pronounced gawng ya yoe dow)
Soul Power:
Dear Divine, Dear Tao
Dear Heaven, Mother Earth and countless planets, stars, galaxies and universes,
Dear all my spiritual fathers and mothers in all layers of Heaven and on Mother Earth,
Dear Tao Song
I love you honour you and appreciate you.
When I sing the Tao song mantra for the Earth element, please clear soul mind body blockages from my Earth element and heal my emotion of worry.
I am very grateful.
Thank you thank you thank you.

Chant for 3-5 mins - or much longer - the longer the better.

Notice how you feel now!

This is a wonderful way to heal worry and leave you feeling relaxed and accepting of what is for the moment. If worry arises again, do the practice again.  Of course sometimes we can take action as well, for example, we may insist on picking our son up around the corner from the nightclub, or fly to be with our daughter and grandson to help them.

As Master Sha says: "If you want to know if the pear is sweet, taste it."
If you want to know if this works, try it!

Love you and wishing you all the best in your journey to healing your emotions.
Love Julia

Monday, 28 April 2014

Hullo everyone, this is Julia again.  How are you?

Do you every wonder why you aren't happy?? 

Do you search everywhere for happiness?  Like overseas holidays, gourmet or junk food, alcohol, drugs, partying, shopping,personal growth workshops,  gambling??

If we look at all those things, they are all outside us.   What is it that drives us to do the things we do looking for happiness?

I believe it is the mind.  Our minds are very powerful.  Some think too powerful.
We believe our minds, we listen to our minds, we think that what our minds tell us has to be the truth. But is it always the truth???

NO! Our minds are only as old as our bodies - e.g. 20 or 30 or 60 etc. So that's how much experience our minds have had. 

When our minds tell us "My hair looks horrible today" or " I look ugly today" or "I'm not much of a person because I don't have lots of money",  how do we now this is the truth???

We dont. But we don't usually question our minds, we say, okay that's what my mind said so it must be the truth!  Then if we believe a statement like "I look ugly today" we start to feel sad, or depressed, or if we're a model we might feel fear that we could lose our job!

So this is where it can be so valuable to ask ourselves the question:

Is this true? Is this absolutely true? How do I know it's true?

There is a great teacher called Byron Katie who has written several books about this if you're interested.

We can also make a conscious decision if we hear the voice in our heads saying something negative about who we are, or how we look, we can simply say:

Dear my mind,
Thank you for your input, however, this is not helpful for me today.
Now I will think something positive
I Love my hair, I love my body just the way it is.
Thank you mind.

Then we could take it one step further and repeat over and over,
I love my hair, I love my body.
This is Mind Power, the power of the mind.

This requires discipline, but it can be done, bit by bit until we stop saying negative things about ourselves and also other people.  

I will talk further about this and how we can use Soul Power which is even more powerful than mind power to heal ourselves.

In love and light,

Monday, 21 April 2014

Dear Friends,
This is Julia again. How are you?
When I learn how to I will add some videos etc. to make this more exciting for you. Until then I will just write to you.

Today I thought I would write to you about the Mind and expectations.
Its just past Easter now and as I reflect back on my weekend I think some of my pain on Friday was due to expectations of how Easter SHOULD be!!!

I have memories of happy Easters when my children were small. Happy Easters even as a child. The warm weather, the relaxation, the Easter egg,s the laughter and more.

But life never stays the same, life is change.

And so the mind - the mind doesnt like change, it wants to hold onto joy and happiness. It wants everything to be just perfect and lovely all the time.  And then we can get angry because of this desire. And then we get depressed because we can't MAKE it how we want it.

Of course, we do have the power to create a happy day. It may be a different kind of day than we have been used to, it might be a quieter day, or a noisier day, or a busier day or whatever, but if we can just ACCEPT what it is, and what we can do to make it how we want it, that is, Happy, then we will be happy!!

But we have to catch the mind and what it is up to!!! There's the catch, we have to start watching our mind. Noticing its little sneaky thoughts that start to build until suddenly we have a strong negative EMOTION. Try to catch it before that and ask yourself, What can I do to make my day enjoyable even if its not what I think it should be.

We could save ourselves a lot of pain if we just did that and nothing more.  But we do have to take action and find something to do that will fill us with joy.. For example if the children come over and expect a nice lunch from us and we're grumpy because we feel like lying on the couch reading a good novel, How about changing the thinking to GRATITUDE and enjoying their company while we have it.  Make them laugh, make them sing, bring joy to someone else and WE  will experience joy.

Or if no one is coming and we are lonely we could think of all our friends and family and send them LOVE, sing I LOVE YOU, dance and sing I LOVE YOU.
We can also chant: I am so grateful for everything I have received in my life.

Here's just a few thoughts, based on my own life experience that I am still learning to do.

Much love to you all,

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Relationships and depression

Good morning everyone! Welcome to my blogspot!

This morning I would like to think about emotions - given that is what my blogspot is all about that's a good start.

When we are in the middle of negative emotions like depression - everything seems very bad indeed.
When we are not in the middle of negative emotions like depression - everything doesnt seem so bad.


When we are depressed - and Im not talking about Clinical Depression which is an entirely different thing and I will not be addressing here as I am not a Psychologist or Psychiatrist.

When we are depressed it is - for me - because of something that has happened. Usually someone has said some stuff to me that has "hurt my feelings". Sometimes I am not fully aware, in the moment of their speaking, of how I am feeling.  Then the next minute I am feeling depressed. Why?

Because my mind has taken hold of the things said, or the way it is said, and given it all a label. For example:

"He/she is so unkind", He/she is so unfair, He/she has it all wrong" and so on. Then that can escalate into:
He/she doesnt really love me or he/she would never say such a thing, act in such a way.
How can I live with such a person. How can I put up with this kind of talk, behaviour etc.??

Then if we have made a committment to that person we just can't walk away!  So then the mind gets stuck and feels there is no solution, then the depression sets in.  That's for me anyway, how about you?

Then the next day we get up and the person is normal again, kind again, thoughtful and loving again!! Then we feel so strange - what is going on here??

Well I used to have a teacher who talked about "When your demons attack!!!"  So when your demons attack - this part of you takes over and makes you a crazy person an unkind person, an obsessional person or whatever is your particular demon (we can have more than one kind of course).

What I think personally I need to do is when the person close to me has a "demon attack" I need to recognise it as such and start to send them LOVE and start to send ME LOVE. Then when and if my mind starts to take over and reflect on how awful this all is, I might start chanting I love You .

Well anyway, Im just ruminating here and will think about this more, will you think about this? - let me know what you think!! ???

In summary:

1. Label the other person's outburst: A Demon Attack
2. Give LOVE to yourself and the other
3. Chant I love you
 This way you are being pro active and you dont have to feel like a victim in all this - which is what can make us feel depressed I believe.

There is a way to deal with our relationships, our depression, our unbalanced emotions.
In fact there are many ways. This is just one. But a very powerful one because

"Love melts all blockages and transforms all life" Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha

I will write about other ways in further blogs.

I will also let you know if next time this happens for me I am able to do the above and not just write about it.
With love and blessings,

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Hullo everyone this is Julia again!

Today I dont feel so happy all of a sudden! Why? Thoughts, selfish thoughts actually.
This started to lead me to feel a little depressed, wanting excitement and more.

What to do about this? Allow the depression and thoughts to escalate just leads to suffering more.
So I tuned in to Master Sha's beautiful Chanting Channel available 24/7 free!!!

And just at that moment Master Sha was chanting Shining Soul Light - i joined in and now 20 mins later I feel much better.  Im very grateful for this channel and hope you have a look for yourself - you can ask for a blessing - that's what I did - I asked for healing for depression and negative mindsets.

Just go to and see for yourself.

Im so grateful for this channel and the healing it can bring very rapidly if we open our hearts and believe.

Lots of love to you all,
Julia, smiling again. xxxxx

Friday, 4 April 2014

Hullo everyone,
How are you? Im very happy at present. That's a nice place to be isn't it? How do we get to that nice place and how do we stay there?
Well actually we can't stay there!
We all want to stay there, but we are here on Mother Earth to learn lessons and that can be very painful at times. This pain that we feel connects to our emotions.

When I was 12 years old I cried one night in my bedroom because I had been praying to God and asking Him why he never responded to me? Why did he never talk back to people? I was brought up as a Christian and nobody in our circles expected God to reply except perhaps if we opened our Bible and found the answer there. But I felt so sad at that time.

This sadness continued and not until I met Master Sha did I learn how to communicate with the Divine in a way that he was able to reply to me.  I have received many special blessings from Master Sha and the Divine in order to open my Spiritual Channels.  Master Sha teaches that there are four spiritual channels:
1. Soul Language and Soul Song Channel
2. Direct Soul Communication Channel
3. Third Eye Channel
4. Direct Knowing Channel

I am so grateful to Master Sha for the blessings. If you go to any one of his books you will find the technique for bringing out your Soul Language.  Once you do that you can then learn to translate your Soul Language into your own native language. In this way you can start talking to your own soul or any soul in the Universe including the Divine!

Wow! that's all I can say.

Please get a copy of one of Master Sha's books e.g. Soul Wisdom, Soul Communication, Tao Song and Tao Dance and more to find this technique.

When I first found a book of Master Sha's I started practicing and my Soul Language came out. However I wasnt sure that it was my soul language so I went to a workshop with Master Trevor Allen in Melbourne, Australia and practiced with others.  When my soul language came out I just cried - I was so happy!
When i began to translate it was so wonderful.

If you have a good heart and you love the Divine or would like to then it will be possible for you to do the same.  You will be able to communicate with the Divine, or the Buddha, or Jesus or Mary or Quan Yin or any other high level spiritual being.

My sadness regarding this lack of communication has turned to Gratitude,awe and appreciation and reverence for this amazing gift we are being given by the Divine at this time on Mother Earth.

Love you all,

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Hullo, this is Julia again!
 How are you all?
 Whoever you are - you have emotions!!
And that's not always an easy thing. Many of us are governed by our emotions. We get upset by something and we feel miserable for the rest of the day!
Why is that you may ask yourself? Why am I feeling bad all day after that argument with my husband, boyfriend or person I share a flat with.
Well along with emotions come thoughts.

Let's take an example:

Say I have breakfast with my boyfriend or girlfriend, we're in a hurry, have to get to work, or class or walk the dog or feed the baby. So we're in the kitchen preparing breakfast, making coffee etc. Then all of a sudden one of us speaks a little harshly to the other e.g. Why do you leave all the things all over the cupboard and there's no room left for me to put the coffee mugs and pot? Cant' you put things away when you've finished with them?
Well that can be enough sometimes to start something BIG!!!!! The other person reacts angrily saying we're just as bad at that as they are. Then we react with something else, like: You're just like your Mother (or Father).
Okay - so now we have a situation but we both have to leave for work, so its left up in the air and a bad feeling between us. Off we go to work, and on the way we start thinking - yes there we have it- we start THINKING- saying all sorts of things like: He doesnt really love me or he wouldnt say things like that. Or: she is such an unkind person I cant believe I married her!!
And so the thinking goes on , all day whenever we have a few minutes.
And so the emotions continue and can escalate and change to other emotions, the anger can turn to sadness, or depression.

I have struggled with these kinds of scenarios all my life until fairly recently,

Now I do several things when the above kind of situation occurs:

1. I shut my mouth! yes I SHUT MY MOUTH! (very helpful to practice this and as soon as possible!)
2. I leave the room if I have time and BREATHE.
3. I do a quick little forgiveness in my head:
Dear ...... Please forgive me for all the hurt and harm I have ever caused you and I forgive you for any hurt or harm you have ever caused me. I love you.
4. Then I am already feeling a lot better and if I do feel up to it I will go back to the kitchen and say directly to the other person: Im sorry for my part in this argument. Please forgive me. I love you.
5. If I dont feel better I will need to do further work which I will share with you next time. 
And I will talk about how to deal with the feelings you may still have as you walk down the street after the argument.

I hope you find this blog useful and helpful. I love you all. Julia

Monday, 24 March 2014

Negative Emotions often arise when we are tired.

Have you ever looked forward to time for yourself, all alone at last, feet up, heater on, a cup of tea waiting?
Oh Yippee! Great ! Wonderful! and then Boom!
Yes, instead of it being wonderful you feel kind of flat, even depressed?

Well that's what often happens to me, its not a new feeling.  After being on the go, lots of things happening, people all around, suddenly to be all alone isnt so great after all!!

Today I sat on the couch, cheese and biscuits, cup of tea and Boom, i felt a bit flat. In the past this would have developed further, I might have turned the TV on or had a sleep. But when I stopped watching TV or sleeping, it was still there, that feeling of loneliness.

Today I did something different.  Since I have been studying with Master Sha I have discovered many practices that help me to deal with feelings of loneliness, sadness, depression and so on.

If you have Master Sha's new book Soul Healing Miracles there's a wonderful practice on page 157 for healing the emotions - any emotion!! Yes, any!!

If you dont have the book you can order it on

I followed the practice and chanted :Hei Heng Hong Ha - with my hand on my heart. I did this for about 3 mins. Gradually I started to relax and think of things I wanted to do that were constructive. I didnt sleep. I didnt watch TV. I started to do some study. I felt better. The emotion didnt run away with me into something bigger.

Master Sha teaches the Four Power Techniques - if you always use this format you can design your own practice.
Here's how you do it:
Body Power - sit up straight, put your hands where you need healing.
Sound Power - chant something positive e.g. Golden light heals my depression. Love heals.
Mind Power  - visualise or imagine or think golden light in your body, healing the emotion.
Soul Power - say hello: Dear my heart (for example - for depression) I love you. You have the power to heal yourself, do a good job. Thank you.
Chant for 3-5 mins or longer 3-5 times per day. The longer the better.
Notice how you feel afterwards.
You could be amazed. You could experience your own Soul Healing Miracle.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine certain organs are connected to certain emotions:
Liver - anger
Heart - depression and anxiety
Lungs - sadness and grief
Spleen - worry
Kidneys - fear
So concentrate on the organ that you think fits for your emotion - imagine it healing itself.
Master Sha says: I have the power to heal myself, You have the power to heal yourself,
Together we have the power to heal the world.
More next time. Love Julia

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Today I practised what I had talked about - that is - healing for anxiety.  As I drove my baby grandson
through the countryside to keep him asleep I thought about my post about anxiety and stress. I have felt plenty of that this week looking after a 10 month old while his mother did a special training.

So I started the practice, and chanted Love Love Love
After a while I started to feel quite fantastic. Kind of loving and mellow.
 Then something happened and I forgot to continue.

Its interesting writing a blog because it then makes you practise what you preach!!
Im very grateful for this teaching.

Lots of love

Friday, 21 March 2014

Hullo everyone, I just couldnt wait to share again so Im sharing again just minutes after my first blog post!!
I cant leave you all hanging wondering about these things called emotions!!

I would like to share with you a simple practice that can transform your depression and anxiety really fast!
Here's what to do:
Use Master Sha's Four Power Techniques to get the maximum benefit from doing this.

Body Power: sit up straight or lie down (if you lie down then chant silently).
Put one hand over your heart and one on your lower abdomen.

Mind Power: Imagine beautiful golden light flowing into your heart.

Sound Power: We will chant or repeat over and over:
Love Love Love
Love Love Love
Love heals my depression and anxiety
Love heals my depression and anxiety.

Chant for 3-5 mins, 3-5 times a day and gradually increase how long you do it for to bring amazing results.

Soul Power: This is to say hello to your soul and  the Soul World - You can call on any great saint, or the Divine, Buddha and so on.
Follow along with me:
Dear Divine, Dear Buddha, Dear....... Dear......(call your favourite holy being or just Divine or God)
I love you
Dear my heart I love you
Please heal my depression and/or anxiety
I am so grateful.
Thank you.

Then Chant: Love Love Love as above, you can make up your own mantra as long as it is positive and respectful or yourself and the soul world and others.

I will do this practice now myself and in my next post I will let you know how I went with it.
I know many people get stressed and anxious and depressed. I can get very anxious so let's see how we go. Please share your experiences here so others can benefit.
Much love to you all,
ps if you would like to know more about Master Sha go to and you will learn much more. Or you can purchase any of his books on

The Journey of Healing the Emotions

Hullo, this is my first blog post ever! I am very happy to share with you week by week my experiences in healing my emotions through using the powerful, simple and profound teachings and practices of my spiritual teacher, Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha.
I look forward to sharing with you how to heal the emotions.
Humans are emotional beings. This a part of who we are, whether we know it or not!
My son said to me "Mum, people don't know what emotions are!!"
I hope this blog will help people to understand what they are and how to heal the negative ones.

I was going to share quite a lot with you but I just erased it all, so obviously I wasnt meant to do that.
Instead I will take a little time to think more about how i will share with you about emotions and my own experiences.
I look forward to talking with you again very soon.
with much love and light to anyone who happens upon my blog,
Love Julia